IMAPPI project (Integrated Magnetic resonance And Positron emission tomography in Preclinical Imaging - MRI and PET imaging coupled with pre-clinical)
The IMAPPI project (Integrated Magnetic resonance And Positron emission tomography in Preclinical Imaging - MRI and PET imaging coupled with pre-clinical), introduced as part of the call "Equipment for Excellence" (EquipEx) of the "Investissements d'Avenir" (Investments for the Future), in which ICMUB is a major partner, is funded by the General Commission for Investment and the French Government.
Lead by Professor François Brunotte - Head of Nuclear Medicine Department of the Cancer Center Georges-François Leclerc in Dijon - this project aims at developing an emerging technology that combine in the same imaging camera both MRI and Positron emission tomography (PET) detection techniques. It represents a major technological challenge since such equipment is now available as a prototype in only a few sites in the world. None is available in France.
This innovative project is based on strong collaboration between research teams (public and private teams) and the desire for Bioscan, a globally recognized company in the field of preclinical imaging, to develop a prototype PET-MRI in Dijon. Three research axes essential for the development of such equipment will be developed through the participation of various partners through the: i) technological development of a PET-MRI equipment and post-processing technologies, ii) development of molecular probes and multimodal nanoparticles detected by both techniques MRI and PET and iii) development of animal models that, after injection of the aforementioned bimodal probes, will allow the validation and fine-tuning of the prototype.
ICMUB will be the driving force behind the second axis of research for the development of multimodal molecular probes detected by both techniques MRI and PET. ICMUB can rely on its human and scientific skills to carry out this project of major interest.
This project is the logical continuation of efforts made for many years to develop of a pharmaco-imaging center in Burgundy (CPER 2007-2013, Pharmimage® and its technological platforms, 3MIM project carried by the ICMUB) involving public and private partners including ICMUB. The realization of this project will allow Burgundy to have a fleet of leading technology platforms to enhance its ambition in the fields of imaging and health, and its economic attractiveness.