The "Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne" (ICMUB CNRS UMR CNRS 6302) was created on January 1st, 2007 by the merging of two laboratories, the "Laboratoire de Synthèse et d'Electrosynthèse Organométalliques" (LSEO, UMR 5188) and the "Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Moléculaire pour la Séparation et les Applications des Gaz" (LIMSAG, UMR 5633) into a single entity (Director: Prof. FJ.-C. HIERSO, Vice Director: Prof. E. BODIO).
Since September 2023, the Institute is comprised of 4 Resarch Teams:
EMMD (Electrochemistry, Molecular Materials, and Devices) - Manager: Prof. Marcel BOUVET | Deputy: Dr. Charles DEVILLERS
OCS (Organometallics, Catalysis, and Stereochemistry) - Manager: Prof. Pierre LE GENDRE | Deputy: Prof. Paul FLEURAT-LESSARD
P2DA (Polyamines, Porphyrins, Developments and Applications) - Manager: Dr. David MONCHAUD | Deputy: Prof. Anthony ROMIEU
IFTIM (Imaging Functional and molecular Traitement of Image's Medical) - Manager: Prof. Alexandre COCHET | Deputy: Prof. Alain LALANDE
Those 4 research teams are assisted by significant research support services (administration, IT service, technical platform...).
Download ICMUB's brochure 2022/2023 | Download ICMUB's organization chart